When you find yourself needing a DUI defense attorney in Colchester CT, contact Attorney Brian Murphy. Don’t let the fact that you’ve been driving less over the past year cloud your judgment when it comes to driving impaired. However, it’s important to think about the consequences of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol and how they can and will affect your life moving forward. Did you know that in Connecticut, the law consists of two primary statutes: first, a person is prohibited from driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol or with an “elevated” blood alcohol content and second, every time you drive in CT, you are consenting to being tested for drugs or alcohol? Drivers who refuse to submit for a test can be subject to administrative license suspension procedures.
There are several tiers of criminal penalties for DUI convictions, including hefty fines, license suspension, and even prison time in certain cases.
When you have made a mistake and need winning representation, you need to call Attorney Brian Murphy. He is experienced in criminal defense cases and has successfully represented defendants in a wide scope of DUI cases. Whether you’re a first-time offender or have prior convictions, Attorney Murphy has the legal knowledge and savvy that allows him to work hard for his clients and facilitate impactful results.
When you have been charged with any form of DUI, time is truly of the essence. You have a limited number of days from the mailed notice of your license suspension to request an administrative per se hearing. Attorney Murphy will closely review the facts of your case and work with you to determine which act of recourse is best. Our firm has worked hard and helped many first-time offenders avoid a DUI conviction. In cases, this can be achieved through a please agreement that suspends prosecution, pending the completion of the Alcohol Education Program. At the conclusion of the program, your conviction will be expunged. Call (860) 642- 3021.