If you have been searching for a DUI defense attorney near Norwich CT, seek the services of Brian Murphy Law LLC. Although large gatherings and parties are still being discouraged, do not forget about the devastating effects driving under the influence can have on you, your family, and potentially other people. If you have been out drinking, avoiding DUI and DWI is easy; simply share a ride, designate a driver, or call a ride-share service. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a very serious offense in Connecticut.

A split-second decision can have life-altering consequences. If you are charged with DUI or DWI in CT, the consequence can be deadly to a person or career. Besides potentially injury or killing yourself or others, DUIs often result in severe restrictions and punishments. Court hearings, loss of driver’s license, and more time-consuming hindrances can lead to you being terminated from your place of employment. Contact Brian Murphy Law for experienced criminal defense representation.

It is imperative to consider the consequences before driving under the influence. Criminal penalties include license suspension, exorbitant fees and fines, as well as prison terms. Whether you are a first-time or repeat offender, Attorney Brian Murphy has the experience and relationships that you want on your side.

Attorney Brian J. Murphy has a comprehensive understanding of the legal, factual, and technical issues of every DUI case he argues. It is possible to successfully defend DUI charges, but you have to act swiftly. Once we have thoroughly reviewed your case, we will explain your legal options. If and when you decide to fight your charge, we will work tirelessly to try and obtain a dismissal of the charge and a not-guilty verdict. Our attorneys have helped many first-time offenders avoid a DUI conviction, learn more by calling (860) 643-3021 today.

DUI Defense Attorney | Norwich CT | Brian Murphy Law LLC